How A Standby Generator Can Help You Prepare For Power Outages

Suffering from a power outage can have a very frustrating impact on your life. Particularly in this day and age where more and more of us are working from home. Being without lights for a few hours is annoying enough, but imagine not having access to the internet for a few days or weeks. The […]
How Your Standby Generator Can Protect Your Home From Power Surge Damage

The modern home is full of various items and appliances that rely on electricity to function properly. During a normal day, it’s unlikely that you will see any issues with all the electricity running in your home. However, there are instances where these appliances and devices can be seriously damaged – such as during a […]
Who Benefits From Having a Whole Home Generator?

As the name indicates, a whole home generator can produce sufficient power for all of the circuits in your home. You may be wondering whether or not this is something you need for your property. There are many cases whereby this can be beneficial, so let’s take a look: Do you experience frequent power outages? […]
Lesser-Known, But Still Common, Causes of Power Outages

When a power outage occurs, inconvenience, frustration, and even chaos can ensue until the problem gets rectified. Most power outages happen because of severe weather conditions like storms, hurricanes, and so forth. But, there are times where the causes of power outages are due to lesser-known events. Here’s a brief round-up of some of those […]
Fun Things to Do With No Power

You might think a power outage automatically means you’ll be bored out of your mind. But, that doesn’t have to be the case. Actually, not having any power can be a fun experience sometimes, if you’re willing to make the most of it. So, what can you do for fun while you’re waiting for the […]
Tips for an Outage

No one expects a power outage when they’re going about their day-to-day lives. Unfortunately, that’s what tends to make them so frustrating. While it might seem impossible to be fully prepared, there are power outage tips you can keep in mind to keep yourself, your family, and your belongings safe. With that in mind, let’s […]
Top Causes Of Power Outages

You have heard the motto, be prepared, right? If you were ever part of a scouting group, it will almost surely be something you will have heard before. And it’s a good motto to keep in mind, especially when it comes to your home and business. Without a standby generator, you could be left in […]